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Web Design is not only arranging the text and images together. According to Web Design India; Web Design is the art from where we have to use the same elements e.g. text and images for the world class User Interface (UI) Design. Web Design India team always follows our Web Design Checklist before designing website for our clients. This checklist includes easy navigational structures, fixed versus liquid UI design analysis, corporate colours utilization, browser safe colours, visual hierarchy analysis, CSS style sheet based font formatting, visual design consistency, web page dimension planning, web site page length and content analysis, web design grids for graphics and text placement, page headers and footers content analysis, analysis of using tables or div, web design accessibility issues analysis, cross-platform compatibility testing, best font typefaces utilization planning, best typographical approach, planning for SIFRs (Rich Accessible Typography) utilization for better typographical text rendering, graphics elements UI design planning, W3C compatibility testing, uses of headings html tags, uses of subtle colours etc.



20/10/2012 10:29

Visiter Notice

We have so many happy satisfied web design and development clients and partners from within India and across the world. Our designed website will always get appreciation by our client and website visitors. Web Design India; web design professionals always want to deliver cutting edge website...
20/10/2012 10:28

Our Motto

Our motto is "Turning Business Ideas into Business Results". We never criticize what other companies are offering to the individuals and corporate, but we know what we have to deliver to our clients for the maximum ROI (Return on Investment). Our main focus is to facilitate our clients by latest...



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